Welcome to my Practice

Seeking professional help is the first step towards personal growth and improved emotional health. Psychologists are highly educated, trained, licensed, and experienced in helping you reach your therapy goals.

While we can't change difficult situations from the past, we can work together to better understand and resolve current challenges in your life. Psychotherapy involves understanding long-standing behavior patterns or negative thoughts/beliefs that interfere with current functioning.

As a licensed and board-certified psychologist with 34 years of experience, I am looking forward to working with you to achieve your personal goals. Please call or email me for a free initial telephone or email consultation. Please note that I currently primarily do mostly neuropsychological and psychological evaluations. I do have several therapists in 
my office suite who can assist you with psychotherapy services.

"The task of the psychologist is to make a difference; to increase the joy, zest, and richness of life of his fellow human beings." -- Clark Hull, 1941